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A Tucson Alternative to Bariatric Surgery in Mexico

A Tucson Alternative to Bariatric Surgery in Mexico

Paying for Weight Loss Surgery

When looking for the bariatric surgeon, many of you will have come across advertisements for surgeons and facilities in Mexico. To be sure, pricing in Mexico can be very favorable. There are also several well-trained surgeons and some quality facilities there. However, Dr. Higa and our hospital partners, understanding that our patients should have access to a lower cost cash pay bariatric surgery option, have created a surgical package that offers the highest quality of care with attractive pricing right here in Tucson. in fact, many patients from Mexico come to Tucson to have surgery with Dr. Higa because of their confidence in him as a surgeon, and in our facilities providing the safest possible environment for recovery.

Why choose a local bariatric surgeon and surgery center?

  • Now, you do not have to sacrifice quality of care for price. Our cash pay pricing is very competitive and we give you all the information and pricing you need to know upfront.
  • You will not have to travel for your care. Unfortunately, many patients who have their initial surgery in Mexico will have to return to Mexico for follow up. This can be particularly difficult during the current pandemic. Having your surgery and follow-up care in one place, near home, allows for faster more comprehensive care.
  • Greater availability of medical resources in case of a complication. No surgery is without risk. While bariatric surgery is extremely safe and effective in an experienced surgeon’s hands, there are always risks involved. If a complication should occur across the border, there may be fewer providers willing and able to care for you stateside.
  • Quality of care and oversight. While there are excellent fellowship trained surgeons in Mexico, and facilities that offer good quality of care, there are different oversight processes from the US. staying in the US for your procedure ensures the most stringent oversight while Dr. Higa himself is committed to the very best in patient care.

So where do you go from here?

The first step toward bariatric surgery is making sure you understand the benefits and risks of bariatric surgery as they relate to your particular circumstance. We encourage you to watch Dr. Higa’s online bariatric seminar to learn more about the procedures and what to expect. Most importantly however, now is the time to think about why you want bariatric surgery. This is not a procedure to lose weight only. This is a tool to improve your health and lifestyle. Weight loss and cosmetic results are simply a side effect. Also, weight loss surgery is not a magic bullet or the easy way out. You will have to work hard for your weight loss and the process going forward will not be easy. However, with the right frame of mind and a focus on your health and wellness, you have the opportunity to change your life for the better.

If you are interested in learning more about bariatric surgery, we encourage you to contact our office.