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Cash Pay Pricing

Unfortunately, about 5% of all health insurance plans do not cover the cost of weight loss surgery / bariatric surgery. Many patients would benefit from this surgery, but they do not meet the criteria of their health insurance company. Luckily, we can help on these occasions. We offer payment options in installments without interest. Our office is located in Tucson, Arizona and all procedures are performed in hospitals nationally certified as Centers of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery. These centers of excellence are specialized hospitals characterized by exceptional results and a low complication rate after surgery. This type of surgical procedure, being highly complex and specialized, is not performed in an outpatient surgery center.

Self-pay Benefits:

  • Reduced cost
  • Personalized attention
  • Best results
  • Specialized staff
  • Payment plans
  • Extensive post-operative care

Package Pricing

The full cost of the surgery is due 7 days prior to the surgical date.

We are fortunate to partner with Tucson Medical Center to provide a low price for cash pay patients that includes:

  • Anesthesia fees
  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Hospital fees for a 1-night stay
  • Postoperative follow-up for 30 days after surgery
  • Evaluation by our nutritionist
  • Consultation with our team of hospitalists to address any non-surgical problem

Our surgeons offer telemedicine for pre-and post-operative evaluations, as well as in-person visits. Our practice is committed to following up on all of our patients long-term, in person, or by telemedicine for as long as you like.